It's been over 10 days now since I've been home.
From the day I returned, it was as if I had never left. The kids were back to arguing and testing. The days were hectic from dayrise to long after sunset. Work waited for me, in piles on my desk.
I did have a chance to reflect however. I had a chance to discuss with those who were eager to hear about my adventures.
Here's what I came up with.
I did, after all of my resistance, fall in love with India. At which point this happened, I don't know. But it did. I would go back. No question. Did it change me? It did. Not sure how, but it did. Regardless of the insanity of everyday life back in my 'bubble', it feels different. Someone said to me the other day, you look peaceful.
I feel like I'm letting everyone down by not having concrete answers to the questions I had before leaving. But in the spirit of honesty and truthfulness, I can only say that I can't quite express adequately in writing what this trip has meant or done to me.
I guess you'll just have to find out for yourself why it is that everyone that goes to India comes back changed and inspired.
I think the mystery behind the change is what makes it so beautiful. What is really nice is that your journey changed those close to you -- even if it was only a little, the impact can still be felt.